Preschool Certificate Programme (Online)

30-40 min/day (Mon to Fri / Sat.) - Live Interactive Classes

(Advantage for home-schooling parents)

We have launched an Online Live Interactive Preschool Certificate Programme that stimulates the total development of the pre-schoolers. It caters the social, emotional and academic needs of students aged 3 to 6 years.

The curriculum challenges and inspires students to be confident enthusiastic learners and develops a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. The programme covers three years of learning. It meets the needs of the young curious brains.

Pre- Kindergarten

Age group: (3 - 3.9 years)
Kindergarten Readiness Programme


Age group: (3.9 - 4.9 years)
Kindergarten Foundation Programme (Level -1)


Age group: (4.9 - 6 years)
Kindergarten Foundation Programme (Level -2)

We encourage children to continue their learning offline with interactive workbooks. Students take ownership of their learning. You can monitor your child's progress closely. We schedule additional one to one offline/online sessions on Saturdays for children who need extra support

We offer admissions to both students who seek admissions only with us (Advantage for home-schooling parents) and those who are enrolled in other schools.